Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Useful Blog
Monday, February 25, 2008
My life is always very full of activities and obligations Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, at work from 8:00 am to 10:00 in the evening then got home using my brand new scooter, autodrive lesson guys. I don’t have much time to sneak around but sometimes i check my seocontest2008 entry and applying some seo strategies to crawl on Google search engine. I never have much time for myself. I cant sleep early at 9:00 in the evening when I got on bed, I think my mind is still processing on computer I don’t know the way how to shutdown my mind to take my self down but i usually manage to go to bed around 2:00 o'clock in the morning.
I don’t know what time this thing bring to end “UNTIL THE DAY I DIE“.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Blogging for SEOContest2008
What is blogging? This word is nowadays is getting famous and draws the attention of many people. When I first heard of this word, I actually don’t have any idea at all. The word sounds unfamiliar and it irritates my ears. I felt ashame of myself when a friend of mine once asked me that word. He asked me if I do blogging since I have my own website. I did not realize that what I am actually doing in my site is already about blogging. Blogging is not just writing what you think or thing what you would like to say, but it is all about expressing your emotion with feelings and most especially, BLOGGING is PASSION as what my friend used to tell me.
Today, since I already knew what blogging is all about, I can do many things about it. I am now actually using it for the newly launched SEOContest2008 in UK. This is actually my first time to join this kind of contest though my friends used to participate and have already won. My JRSEOContest2008 blog is my official blog for the SEOContest2008 brought to us by UK Webmaster World SEO Contest.
I actually name my entry blog as JRSEOContest2008 for the SEOContest2008 because I know that I am still a novice when it comes to SEOContest2008. I still have to learn much things about SEO and how to generate more traffic on my site. I am still, and I agree that I need to learn more for the SEOContest2008.
I know that in the SEOContest2008, there are many participants whom already won many contest similar to this. Though I know that I am competing with many SEO geeks, I stil believe in what my mentor has told me, it is about the “First Timer’s Luck.” Who knows, with this SEOContest2008, I can be on top of the others. That is how optimistic I am when it comes to the SEOContest2008.
Everyday, every hour, I always check on my status. I am always turning on my computer and search the internet using the keyword SEOContest2008 whether my blog is on the first 5 pages of the popular search engines. Well, I happy that after 3 days of registering my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008, I remain on page 5 so far. I don’t know if this will drop, will remain as it is, or it will go up. This SEOContest2008 is really challenging to me as a blogger. I hope that I will do better that seeing my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008 and not by simply remaining in page 5.
PRIDE and HONOR on the SEOContest2008
It is nearly 3:00 in the morning and my eye lids slowly close down little by little but I am still trying to fight it just to make my blog a competitive like the other blogs which were also registered in the UK’s recently launched Search Engine Optimization Contest or more popularly known as SEOContest2008.
Well, honestly, this is my first time to join the contest. I have been observing my friends, Gio and Philip joining different contest in the country and also watch them receive their awards winning home as champions. I am also aiming for that and I am still optimistic that I will be learning something in this SEOContest2008.
But, perhaps some may ask what will be the prize when someone wins the competition. For me, the best answer I could give is that, in this SEOContest2008, it is not actually the money which is important. What matter most is the experience and learning you will get upon participating on the aforementioned activity. This will give us (we the contestants), a chance to broaden our ideas and widen our imaginations by trying to figure out on how to optimize our website using the keyword given. At the same time, PRIDE and HONOR is priceless. That would probably be the main goal of every participants like me to have.
I know that there are tough competitors who already have their experiences but I will still stick on my belief, that nothing is impossible as long as you believe that you can do it. Anyway, to us believers and achievers, impossible is not part in our dictionary list.
So, to my fellow participants, I wish you all good luck and see you around. Make your best on the SEOContest2008.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
How To Safely Haul Your Classic Car
Once you have loaded it onto the trailer, the next step is to connect the straps. You can buy a complete tie down kit from Mac’s custom tie downs. Start by connecting the twisted snap hook on the fixed end (the short end) to each of the ‘D’ rings. Choose a set of locations to tie down to.
Typically, on a Classic Car those locations would be through the wheel, over an axle or substantial suspension member, or possibly around a frame horn.
Some general guidelines to keep in mind are: choose a location with enough strength to hold the Classic Car in the event of an accident, one that is free of cutting hazards, and with enough space around it to lace the axle strap.
DO NOT run a strap where it might migrate and crush a brake line. Also consider the effect of the movement of the Classic Car while it is traveling down the road, since what may seem like a clear space now, could become tie down strap guillotine later, if the trailer hits a hard bump.
After choosing a location, you should now run your axle strap around it. Check the length if the standard 24” isn’t enough, don’t worry Mac’s can make the strap in any length needed in a short timeframe.
After determining that the length is correct, align the two delta rings at the end of the axle strap together and click in the running end (long end) of the ratchet strap. Before ratcheting the strap tight, pull the tail end of the strap through until the strap looks straight. Now you can ratchet the strap, making sure to have two full wraps around the mandrel to ensure a positive mechanical lock. Repeat this process at all four corners of the Classic Car.
Should you cross the straps? Possibly. Understand that the strap will have its maximum strength in the line it is pulling. It is always a good idea to have the straps at the rear of the Classic Car pulling mostly straight back. Most vehicles will out corner a trailer, so the Classic Car is more likely to come loose when an accident occurs than wander around when properly tied down. Be sure to take a look at the setup in your trailer and make sure that it is sensible this is the best test for tie downs.
A Salute To A Friend
How will you call someone when he/she thinks of something, impossible is not a word that hinders him/her to stop and reach for what he/she crave for. It is hard to find word which will describe this kind of person. Perhaps, I too is having difficulties on how to describe myself to others because I am also the same person I am describing.
I know a person which has the same traits as mine. He, I should say, used to be an ordinary person but full of dreams and creative imaginations. I know him since I was still in college and he was also in the same school I was at. He is simple, talks very soft and friendly which kept him gained more friends. He was then fond of computers as he took IT incline degree and he was already a geek even when on his first year of school.
Today, with the knowledge nurtured in him, he recently joined the Philippine SEOContest2008 and emerged as the Champion. He has been competing in some SEO contests in the country for the past previous years and he was also a runner up on every contest he participated. I am referring to a friend of mine, the one who taught me how make money online, the one who gave me my very first website, and the one who told me to participate in the SEOContest2008 in UK. He is no other that MR. PHILIP TIANGSON, the winner of the Philippine SEOContest2008.
A very BIG thanks to you my FRIEND. Good luck to you and more blessings to come.
Why do we need some good old fashion advice
Among the difficulties faced by people everyday, none is so distressing and painful as a relationship problem. Often, these relationship squabbles cause so much stress and depression. The fight between couples can become so overblown that the only way for the fight to end is for a mediator to come in. Sometimes, a mediator is needed as a third party “referee” or “peacemaker.” The mediator is also expected to provide the feuding parties the necessary guidance and counseling.
Still, many who are involved in a tussle refuse to acknowledge the need for counseling. Whether it is a married or engaged couple, siblings, or very close friends who suddenly became bitter enemies – the thought of seeking professional help just does not come to mind. Many are held back from asking for counseling due to the following reasons:
l State of Denial – Angry people sometimes deny the existence of a problem. With stubborn pride, an angry person can just fume away and dismiss the need to control anger and resolve a problem by saying that, “...this too shall pass.” People can also camouflage or mask their vulnerabilities by refusing to seek help. They see counseling as a situation that will expose themselves for who they are --- warts and all. That kind of vulnerability is avoided at all costs and, as a result, people who need help enter into a state of denial.
l Social Stigma – Most people have a misconception that only “crazy” or “insane” people go to therapy. This mindset prevents a lot of people from getting the help they need because they value more “what others think” about them rather than what they need emotionally and psychologically. They fail to see the value of professional counseling which is expected to be objective, scientific, and results-oriented.
l Plain Fear – The fear of facing the truth and reliving painful experiences like sexual abuse, physical abuse, drug addiction, or trauma from violent incidents prevent people from coming to a counselor. Remembering painful memories are usually part of counseling sessions and therapy. These memories cause fear and anxiety on the part of the patient. But if a person in great stress or someone who is suffering from severe depression neglects to get proper therapy, it can be expected that the problem would get worse. Reopening a painful emotional wound is never pleasant but we will never be healed unless we learn to face and eventually cast away all painful memories of the past. Through counseling, people with serious problems can learn to adjust and cope with their present emotional and psychological struggles.
l Religious Stigma - Some associate counseling with religion or dogmatic beliefs, making the act of getting counseling uncomfortable for those who are not religious or are not into spirituality. While so many people have found comfort and refuge in church-based counseling sessions, many are still wary of getting counseling there since they think they will have to become a member of the church.
Some people are strong enough to face life's storms while others need to counseling to cope with problems. Either way, both take time and commitment so that one can see positive results, and hopefully, a resolution of problems that make life challenging.
Friday, February 15, 2008
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Quite often when you research information into the various cultures and cuisines that make up countries it is quite possible to find a common theme common name for the food of that country. Such as Chinese Food, Thai Food etc but to be honest it could be argued that with regards to Spain there is no such thing as “Spanish” food as with the make up and historical heritage of Spain it is not quite that simple.
The Political and historical make up of Spain with the unification of its particular regions and collective cultural identities make it perfectly reasonable and logical to argue that there is no such thing really as overall Spanish cooking. These autonomous regions have been slowly amalgamated through a number of different processes throughout history but have all kept their own distinctive features.
The relative number of autonomous regions that combine to form modern day Spain is 17 and in the main, they all have their own language variants (if not separate languages) and entire cultural heritages. One of the more interesting and culturally diverse regions is that of Galicia which is situated in the North Western corner of mainland Spain.
Galicia is surrounded on two sides by the Atlantic Ocean and it is pretty understandable to think that for a region that has such an involvement with the sea, its cuisine would also be heavily influenced by the sea. Nothing in fact could be further than the truth and there are a whole host of interesting and delicious recipes based upon the agriculture and viniculture of the region.
The time for talk is over and let’s gets on with the serious business of cooking!
For this delicious Gazpacho recipe we are looking to take enough ingredients to serve four people and us such we would need the following:
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 small leaks, white parts and then chopped.
600 ml of water
1 potato peeled and diced
450 grams of fresh asparagus with the tougher parts of the stalks trimmed and chopped.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 media makes
1 teaspoon vinegar
A pinch of sea salt flake’s
A few drops of truffle oil or extra virgin olive oil
Take the olive oil in a heat the oil in a saucepan and then add the leaks and stew slowly until the leaks are nice and soft.
Next add the water a little salt and pepper and potato if you are going to be using one. The reason for including a potato in anything like this is that it will slightly thicken the soup making the whole dish a lot more substantial.
However, if you are going to include potato in this recipe then you have to remember that the soup will need to cook for about 10 minutes longer than normal until the potato has softened. The next thing is to add the asparagus and boil for five minutes. Be careful at this stage because if you boil the asparagus for too long you lose the colour from the asparagus and the whole soup will lose a bit of the visual impact.
Take the soup and then purée the soup in whatever blender or food processor that you have and when the soup has been puréed, push the soup through a sieve. The reason for this is that you want to try and make the soup as much of a consommé as possible.
Let the finished soup cool and then keep the soup cool until you are ready to serve. When you’re almost ready to serve the soup poured into some nice wide rimmed bowls.
Now for the second stage of the recipe, the warm poached eggs.
Take a saucepan and add some water. Add the vinegar and bring the water to a simmer rather than a boil. Take the eggs and gently crack them and gently lower them into the water. Simmer a couple of the eggs at a time for about three minutes or until the white of the egg is set.
Remove the eggs and leave them to drain. If at this particular point in time you want to be totally obsessed with the display and appearance of the soup you could always try and trim the whites of the egg either with a knife or scissors. Take the poached egg and place one in the centre of each bowl of soup and sprinkle on top of the egg some flakes of your sea salt and add a couple of drops off the truffle oil. Be careful with the truffle oil in that the actual case can be extremely overpowering and is not necessary to everybody’s taste.
Then serve sit back and wait for the complements!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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Sunday, February 3, 2008

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